Friday, June 3, 2016

Tips For Developing A Strong Relationship With Quran

Quran is the greatest miracle that Allah Almighty bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This Book is the word of Divine and it is in it that there is guidance about each and every matter of life. Therefore, it is quite natural that Muslims share a special kind of affiliation with Quran, that is primarily concerned with getting reward and seeking guidance.
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Quran is the Book of enlightenment regarding which Allah Almighty says in Quran:
developed a healthy relationship with Quran
“[This is] a blessed Book (the Quran) which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad (PBUH)] that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.” (38:29)
From this ayah of Quran it is clear that it is a Book of guidance and a reminder, however, in order to gain such benefits from it one needs to reflect upon its verses and understand them, which can only be done once one has developed a healthy relationship with Quran. The lines below discuss the way a Muslim can develop a strong relationship with Quran.
True Intentions:
Pertaining to the development of relationship with Quran, it is important that a Muslim is true at heart before starting recitation of Quran. In this regard, a Muslim needs to have the intention that it is the Book of God and the message in it is a direct message from Him, thus, to read that message one needs to be with pure intentions so that Allah might open the gifts of Quran on that person. Moreover, pertaining to developing a strong relation with Quran, a Muslim must also try to practice whatever is said in Quran, because in this way only would he or she make Quran a practical part of life, hence a healthy relationship.
In addition to being clean at heart before touching and reciting Quran, a Muslim also needs to be physically clean before touching the Quran. Performing Wudoo before touching the Quran is one of the primary etiquettes of touching Quran, which every Muslim must try to observe. Therefore, like before going to prayer, a Muslim must also perform Wudoo before touching Quran as it is all praise of Allah, which must be done after ensuring cleanliness.
Learn to Read Perfectly
Another important aspect of developing strong relationship with Quran is to be able to read and recite the Quran in the way it deserves. That means, if you learn Quran with tajweed and know how to recite It beautifully, you will feel even soulful during the recitation. Therefore, you must take help of a Quran Teacher or Tutor to be able to recite Quran beautifully. This surely will help in increasing your love and affection with the Holy Book.
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Develop The Relation Gradually:
The biggest reason why Muslims aren’t able to develop a long lasting relationship with Quran is that they go too hard on it. If a Muslim were to develop a relation with Quran by reciting it, then he or she would go on so hard that he or she would recite whole Surahs and Chapters in a single day. Although there is reward for it, but reading that much requires a substantial amount of time and when the reciter is not able to give that much time on regular basis then he or she quits recitation. Therefore, the smart way of developing the relationship is to be gradual in approach and start by allocating a few minutes to Quran. Once the temperament is developed, try increasing the time by adjusting your routine. Hence, when you’ll pursue recitation and learning of Quran gradually, you’ll find it easy to continue on and hence the relationship will be a long lasting one.
Try To Understand:
There is no denying the fact that Quran recitation comes with religious rewards that help in spiritual elevation of a person, however, it is the understanding of Quran that is the real essence of its revelation. The primary purpose for which Quran was sent was to give guidance to humankind, thus, if one does not understand Quran or does not try to understand the message it conveys, then one would not find the guidance that Quran truly delivers to humans. Hence, in addition to regular reading of verses of Quran, one must also try reading the translation of Quran as well to get an idea about what instructions Allah Almighty has sent in the Book and how those instructions are to be followed along with the possible benefits of the acting upon them.
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Make It Interactive:
In order to develop a better and strong relationship, you need to make Quran recitation or learning more interactive. There are numerous software and games related to Quran learning available in the market with the help of which you can make Quran learning fun. Moreover, using interactive games and software is one of the best ways of making children learn Quran and develop a relationship with it at an early age.
Listen As Much As You Can:
Quran has a direct effect on the heart of a person whether he or she understands it or not. Moreover, the recitation of Quran by expert Qaris create a mesmerizing condition and leave a great impression on the heart of a person. Therefore, listening as much as you can to the recitation of Quran also does good to the heart and helps developing a relationship that is based on sanctity and love for the sound of the verses of Quran.
In a nutshell, the aforementioned are some of the major tips which a Muslim can utilize to develop a healthy and strong relationship with Quran so that he or she reads and understand the Book of Allah in the way it deserves and make it a part of life.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tips on How To Get Your Supplications Accepted

Allah is the Supreme and the Provider for mankind. It is He who provides the humans and fulfills their needs and wants, therefore, it is imperative that a human realizes the need of invoking Him with the help of supplication. Under every circumstance a Muslim is to supplicate to Allah Almighty so that He might consider fulfilling the desire or need of the Muslim.
In Islam the word for supplication is #Dua. Although Allah Almighty is the Lord and Supreme who can fulfill every Dua of the believer, however, as the strength and firmness in the belief of people varies so does the acceptance of Dua as well. Therefore, in His #hadiths, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has given different tips pertaining to maximizing the chances of acceptance of Duas.  While you can check the daily Islamic Duas, the lines below give some major tips in the light of such hadiths of #Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) that increase the chances of Dua acceptance.
Tips on How to Suuplicate
While Travelling:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths:
“Three supplications are answered without doubt. The supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveler and the supplication of the parents for his children.” (Tirmidhi)
From the hadith it is clear that a  person who is traveling and during his or her travel if they make Dua to Allah Almighty, then the chances of their Dua getting accepted are imminent without any doubt. The possible reason that can be inferred pertaining to the acceptance of Dua of traveler can be the fact that during travel a person is in discomfort and away from his or her closed one, thus in such a situation Allah Almighty comes closer to the person so that he or she might not feel that desolated. Therefore, whenever the chance becomes available a traveler must supplicate to Allah for whatever he or she wishes or wants.
Recommended Reading – 7 Persons Who Will be Under Shade of Allah on Judgment Day
When Oppressed:
From the same hadith that is mentioned above, it is clear that Allah Almighty also accepts the Dua of someone who is oppressed. When a person is oppressed it means that he or she has no one in humans who can rescue them or assist them in coming out of their plight, thus, Allah Almighty as a gesture of assistance grows closer to such a person and accepts and fulfills his or her Dua. Therefore, whenever one is feeling oppressed or in oppression, he or she must pray to Allah and ask for help. Moreover, this hadith also points to the fact that one must not oppress someone, else he or she might supplicate to Allah against that oppressor and Allah might than inflict punishment on the oppressor.
Parents For Their Children:
From the same hadith it is obvious that Allah Almighty accepts the Duas of parents which they make for their children. The Dua of parents for the children shows the love and sincerity which they have for their children, therefore, Allah Almighty accepts their love and sincerity and grants whatever they supplicate for their children.
In Later Part Of Night:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in another hadith of His:
“Our Lord, the Blessed and the Exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the latter part of the night is left, and says: Who supplicates Me so that I may answer him? Who asks Me so that I may give to him? Who asks Me forgiveness so that I may forgive him?” (Muslim)
From the hadith it is clear that the chances of acceptance of Dua increase exponentially in the later part of the night. It is the part of night after which a quarter of night is left only and after which there is dawn. It is during this time that a person should supplicate to Allah for whatever he or she desires and Allah does answer to the call of a person at that time. Moreover, among other things which a person can ask Allah at that time, the special mention in the hadith is of forgiveness, therefore, any Muslim who seeks forgivenss for any particular sin of theirs or general forgiveness, should try seeking it in the later part of night when the chances of it increase substantially.
Supplicating For Another Muslim:
Prophet (PBUH) said in another hadith of His:
“The supplication of a Muslim for his (Muslim) brother in his absence will certainly be answered. Every time he makes a supplication for good of his brother, the angel appointed for this particular task says: ‘Ameen! May it be for you too.’” (Muslim)
From the hadith it is clear that the supplication of a Muslim for another Muslim has greater chances of being accepted by Allah Almighty, compared to a Muslim supplicating for him or herself. In addition to increasing the chances of acceptance for another Muslim, the angel with the Muslim also supplicates the same Dua for the one who is making it for a Muslim brother. Therefore, a Muslim must try to supplicate for his or her mother as much as possible, which creates a win-win situation for all.
Complementing With Patience:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:
“The supplication of everyone of you is granted if he does not grow impatient and says: ‘I supplicated but it was not granted.’” (Muslim)
From the hadith it is clear that simply making a Dua is not enough, or one should limit his or her intentions to only making of Dua, rather the time after making the Dua is also of importance. Therefore, once a Muslim makes a Dua, then he or she should be patient regarding the fulfillment of Dua and eventually it will be fulfilled. The thing to avoid in this regard is becoming impatient and saying that the supplication was not fulfilled. If one resorts to patience, the Duas will be fulfilled in the right time.
When in Prostration:
Prophet (PBUH) said:
“A slave becomes nearest to his Rabb when he is in prostration. So increase supplication while prostrating.” (Muslim)
From the hadith it is clear that the position in which one grows closest to Allah Almighty is the position of prostration, therefore, logic demands that a person should supplicate to Allah when he or she is the closest to Him. Ergo, a Muslim should try supplicating to Allah by forming a posture of prostration whenever possible.
Dua After Adhan:
In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Supplications at two times are never turned down, a supplication after the Adhan has been proclaimed, and a supplication during the battle combating the enemy.” (Abu Dawud)
Although the chances of a person being in a battle are far less, however, the chances of a person supplicating after Adhan are five times in every day. Every day Adhan is proclaimed five times a day, therefore, it is imperative that as soon as the Adhan ends, a Muslim should supplicate to Allah Almighty and increase the chances of that supplication being answered.
In short, supplication is one of the best weapons that a Muslim can utilize in difficult times and at the same time it can also help a Muslim extend the periods of joy and happiness. Therefore, it is imperative that firstly a Muslim should supplicate as much as possible and secondly the supplications should be done in such a time and in such a manner that increases the chances of supplication being answered and fulfilled.

Qurani Sorton ka Khulasa by Syed Abdulwahab Sherazi

قرآنی سورتوں کا مختصر خلاصہ۔ رائے ضرور دیں۔       


Listen to Quran
