Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lessons A Muslim Can Learn From The First Speech Of Allah Almighty With Moses (AS)

In Quran, Allah Almighty has used stories and anecdotes to convey guidelines and message to the followers of Islam. The reason behind the use of stories and narration is that they are far effective in penetrating the heart of a person compared to simple guidelines without any invocation. Moreover, Quran reading enables the reciter to be able to learn the Quranic verses and relate narrations as a result of which the reader gets the message more quickly.
One of the renowned narrations in Quran is that of Prophet Moses (AS) speaking with Allah Almighty for the first time. It is only He who has been able to speak with Allah Almighty directly (He appeared in the form of fire) after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who spoke with Allah directly on the night of Mairaj. Besides the other details of the conversation, which Moses (AS) had with Allah, the lines below discuss the first ones in which Allah Almighty gave the message for people of Israel. The lines below discuss the important lessons that a Muslim can infer from the conversation of Moses (AS) with Allah Almighty.
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Narration From Quran:
In Surah Taha of Quran, Allah Almighty gives the complete narration of the conversation that took place between Allah and Moses (AS) on the Toor mountain. The excerpt from the narration is as follows:
“And has the story of Moses reached you? When he saw fire and said to his family, “Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire; perhaps I can bring you a torch or find at the fire some guidance.” And when he came to it, he was called, “O Moses, Indeed, I am your Lord, so remove your sandals. Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed (to you). Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Indeed, the Hour is coming – I almost conceal it – so that every soul may be recompensed according to that for which it strives. So do not let one avert you from it who does not believe in it and follows his desire for you (then) would perish.” (20:9-16)
The Need of Guidance:
Although Moses (AS) was in literal dark and he saw literal fire, but on a symbolic level this incident represents the fact that in the world where there is tyranny and people have no way for finding their way through it, there is always a need for guidance. People always require the light of hope and guidance to get through the life of tyranny and sin. Therefore, considering that one is above and beyond guidance, or he or she cannot find guidance is absurd and a Muslim should always keep an eye for the signs of Allah Almighty and the pursuit and  understanding of those signs will definitely lead to truth.
Allah Is Guidance And Light:
From the ayahs another thing that becomes clear is that it is Allah that is the true light of guidance. It is by reaching and following the light of Allah Almighty that a Muslim can find guidance. Whatever Allah Almighty has said in the form of Quran is the ultimate source of light of guidance that a Muslim needs to consult and consider in order to be among the people who are successful.
Allah Selects:
In the contemporary world people have this notion of what they are is due to the efforts they have put in or what they were capable of. A Muslim must realize that whatever good befalls a person whether it is wealth, peace, happiness or status, it is all from Allah Almighty and He is the one who selects to bestow a particular favor to a person. Therefore, it is imperative that a Muslim prays to Allah Almighty for being among the chosen ones instead of boasting of one’s own limited human capabilities.
Allah is One:
In His first speech with Moses (AS), the beginning of the speech of Allah was with the message that Allah is one and there is no other deity worthy of worship. This shows the message of Tauwheed that Islam embodies and makes it clear to a Muslim that the message of Oneness of Allah is not something which only Islam brought, rather it had been there since the first guidance sent by Allah Almighty.
Prayers Are Essential:
Like Islam, in His first speech with Moses (AS) after the message of Tauwheed, Allah Almighty gave the message of prayers. To Moses (AS) also Allah Almighty says that prayers are to be established and they are a means of remembering Allah Almighty. From this again the message becomes clear to a Muslim that prayers is not something new, rather it has been there with earlier nations as well and the imperativeness of it was the same for them as it is for Muslims at present. Hence, the establishing of prayers needs to be ensured.
Judgment Day Is Inevitable:
In the speech with Moses (AS), Allah Almighty speaks of the judgment day and tells him that it is to arriveand its time of arrival is concealed by Allah Almighty. This implies that the concept of Judgment day when a person will be rewarded for whatever deeds he or she has committed. From this it becomes clear to a Muslim that man has been warned about the arrival and inevitability of judgment day as back as the human history goes. Therefore, a Muslim must remain heedful of his or her deeds and try committing the deeds that are weighed in the good counter instead of falling prey to evil deeds, which destroy the life hereafter.
Lastly Allah Almighty tells Moses (AS) to warn people about the wrongdoing and the ones who commit wrong deeds and do not follow the path, for them the warning is imminent and that is that they shall all disappear. Therefore, in no narration of Quran Allah Almighty tells that wrongdoing will not be punished, ergo, every Muslim must take his or her actions into consideration and beware of the fact that following the path of evil comes with severe punishment.
In a nutshell, the first speech of Allah Almighty to Moses (AS) is Islam summarized. Allah told him about His Oneness, the importance of prayer, the inevitability of the judgment day and the fact that evil deeds will result in punishment. From this a Muslim can get an idea about the fact that the path of truth and guidance has always comprised of some basic factors which are the same in all the Abrahamic religions.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Be Mindful of Allah, And Allah will Protect You

It is a common practice among human beings to help one another, mostly in the case if they are being mutually benefited, like coalitions among nations are majorly on the basis of some shared value. Speaking specifically, relationships between two persons in a society are also affected by joint respect and needs, e.g. no one generally helps someone else only because of some kind of interaction, until or unless it is being given some kind of esteem or it receives something in return. That is how the world works.
On the other hands, the system of connection between Allah and His slave is free of any such considerations near the Almighty, Who gives away His blessings without the need of being given anything in return. The return is only one way, and that too is possible by only remembrance of the Gracious God.
Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A) narrated Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) saying as:
“One day I was behind the Prophet (PBUH) and he said to me, Young man! I shall teach you some words (of advice): Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask Allah; if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the nation were to gather to benefit you with anything, it would only benefit you with something that Allah has already prescribed for you, and that if they gather to harm you with anything, they would only harm you with something Allah has already prescribed for you. The pen has been lifted and the pages have dried.” (Tirmidhi)
Ibn Abbas was only 13 year old, when enlightened with such wisdom by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), who later became one of the early Quran scholars, and was well known for his critical interpretation of the Holy Quran. On one hand, this Hadith indicates about teaching the youth right from a very young age about key Islamic instructions so that they would become productive Muslims in the future.
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And on the other, it tells about the obedience of Allah SWT, which we will try to elaborate in the following description:
Strengthening Relationship With Allah
The strong sense of faith in the Oneness of the Almighty needs to be accompanied by working for building and fortifying the connection with Him. Majority of us Muslims take this belief as a guarantee to be true believers, when actually it asks for constant remembrance of Allah SWT for being able to receive His safety and guidance. While on the other hand, unfortunately, we strive to cling on to our worldly relationships with a hope to take something in return from our associations, who would only remember us in good times and forget us in bad times. But, Allah considers all His disciples alike and relieves them in tough period. Some of the ways to nurturing this link with the Glorious One are to fulfilling religious matters like offering Salah (prayers) five times a day, supplicating in front of Him, understanding of the Holy Quran, fasting, and giving Zakah (alms) to poor etc.
Allah protect you
“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” [Quran, 2: 186]
So, when we try to reinforce our relationship with Allah, He always steps forward and responds to our plea. The greater implication of this matter is that one should never ask anyone`s help but only from the Exalted One, for this is the foremost criterion for being able to get closer to the Almighty, and He never forgives Shirk (considering someone as partner with Allah).
Relying On His Preset Destiny
As the saying of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) under discussion clearly indicates towards the fact that no one can ever help us more than what the Great Lord has already stipulated for us, nor someone could do any damage to us, no matter how hard they try, it won`t hurt us more than what the Almighty has predetermined for us. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) too had same belief, which is why He opted not to take Jibrael`s (A.S) help, for He knew that Allah would help him eventually, and fire had no effect on him with the Help of Allah. So, there is need to be become agitated in any case, and one should set itself free by taking the Will of the Mighty God as final and decisive
Allah protect you
“Indeed, all things We created with predestination…“ [Quran, 54: 49]
It means if we are tested with hardships, it must have great repercussion in our future life, and one should remain steadfast in such instances to be able to get the greater rewards of the Gracious Lord as a result of one`s forbearance.
Fearing, yet Expecting Mercy From Allah
The inference of “Being Mindful of Allah” could be taken in terms of being aware of the presence of the Ultimate Power that holds the whole universe together and Knows everything we do. After having established this sense of faith in the Almighty, when one works righteously and avoids from committing wrongdoings because of fear of punishment of Allah, it should also be followed with a strong belief in the compassion of the Exalted One. Because He does not only penalizes His people on distracting from the right path, but He is even more Pardoning and Generous.
Allah will protect you
“Know that Allah is severe in penalty and that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran, 5: 98]
So, being wary of the most Powerful`s penalty and clemency, we should not only keep away from transgression from the Islamic instructions, but we should also remain optimist and take help from this conviction by asking Him for amnesty on our past sins.
In short, being mindful of Allah includes more than just having self-belief in His Greatness, but it should also be followed by His constant memory to benefit from this relationship, believing in His fixed providence for us, being patient in hardships and praying to Him, and last but not the least, being frightful of His wrath, nonetheless always trust in His compassion, which are some of the ways to get closer to Allah SWT.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How To Best Feed One`s Soul In Islam

The life of a Muslim on earth is not plain and simple as it has to go through a lot of trials and assessments in the shape of Fitnah (committing sins and transgressions from rightful Islamic way). To be able to succeed both in this world and the hereafter, a believer has to achieve much more than just declaring Iman (Faith) and observing obligatory religious actions. Regarding this sensitive matter, Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran:
ones soul
[Who say], “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.” [Quran, 3:8]
In the above mentioned Ayah, the Most Merciful directs His servants to adopt the way of His true disciples who always worry about adhering to right track of righteousness and pray to Him for granting calmness of heart and soul.
“The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children. But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.” [Quran, 26: 88-89]
It shows that the mankind is in constant danger of misguidance and wrongdoing which are the resultants of weakening of human spirit. Therefore, one consistently needs to keep a check on its routine to best feed its soul in the manner that would lead to success in the both worlds.
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Performing Dhikr and Praying to Allah SWT
The sole purpose of formation of human race by the Creator of the universe is to adore His Name and achieve the due level of uprightness and virtue. As the Almighty Lord says in His Sacred Scripture:
islam and soul
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Quran, 51: 56]
The Exalted One has clearly prescribed humanity the best way to attain His Mercy and Help which lies in His supreme and unparalleled devotion. It means that worshipping God is one of the paramount methods of gaining the suitable degree of one`s purification of soul.
“He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself. And mentions the name of his Lord and prays.” [Quran, 87: 14-15]
These Quranic Verses clearly declare that one has to completely get rid of all sinful impurities present in its soul and return to Allah SWT in a condition of absolute purification of spirit which can be achieved through prayers and His constant memory.
Reading the Holy Quran
The highly blessed Manuscript of Allah SWT, i.e. the Holy Quran is the Final form of revelation that He bestowed upon His Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. It contains such teachings and instructions which are great source of enlightenment for the entire world population and not just Muslims. It shows the correct way of living in every aspect of life, thus, leading to ultimate success. The Gracious God says in one the Quranic Ayats:
how to feed soul
“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward.” [Quran, 17: 9]
It means that this Consecrated Volume of Quran is the eventual guideline for humanity and the advocates of Islam to know about the equitable way of existence on earth. Its rightful interpretation and acting upon its lessons are the immense means of achieving goodness of soul and receiving countless blessings from the Almighty Lord.
Avoiding Satanic Influences
Shaitan is considered to be the biggest enemy of a Muslim. It constantly examines and tests the human heart through its misleading whispers forcing one to leave the way of righteousness and indulge in Allah`s insubordination. It tries its level best to misguide believers through showing them many of the worldly pleasures and enjoyments leading to transgression from the Islamic faith.
[Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].”[Quran, 7:16-17]
It shows that Allah SWT has given Satan enough power to influence the minds and souls of the disciples of Islam, which in fact is a great means of testing for them in this world. This is the reason why in above stated Verse, the Almighty Lord describes the evil thoughts of Shaitan who has openly challenged to give the servants of God the wrong impression about matters of life through its various tactics. Therefore, one must always keep this grave matter in mind and let the devil not pollute its heart and spirit.
Abandoning Worldly Wishes and Remembering Hereafter
The concept of existence on earth is simple and clear for all the Muslims, i.e. it is a temporary place to live in and that one has to return to the Almighty Lord on the Day of Judgment. Most of the worldly distractions lie in one`s desires to attain more and more assets, money and other such wishes. Allah SWT has described the condition of two kinds of people in the following Quranic Verses:
“ … And among the people is he who says, “Our Lord, give us in this world,” and he will have in the Hereafter no share. But among them is he who says, “Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” [Quran, 2: 200-201]
Those who ask the Exalted One about fulfilling their wants which are related to this world will only benefit from them in this world and will lead to their failure in the hereafter. On the other hand, those who only ask for that is beneficial or Halal in this world and request for success in afterlife will be triumphant in both the worlds. It means that one has to neglect and shun away from all sorts of pleasures and desires while living on earth and always keep in mind the ultimate gains of hereafter in order to maintain the purity of soul and spirit.
In short, the life on earth is full of trials and tests which one has to go through and keep its mind and spirit on the rightful track of the Religion of Peace. To be successful in this endeavor, one has to carry out the above mentioned deeds and many other such actions which would bring it closer to Allah SWT resulting in best feeding its soul.

How To Best Feed One`s Soul In Islam

The life of a Muslim on earth is not plain and simple as it has to go through a lot of trials and assessments in the shape of Fitnah (committing sins and transgressions from rightful Islamic way). To be able to succeed both in this world and the hereafter, a believer has to achieve much more than just declaring Iman (Faith) and observing obligatory religious actions. Regarding this sensitive matter, Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran:
ones soul
[Who say], “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.” [Quran, 3:8]
In the above mentioned Ayah, the Most Merciful directs His servants to adopt the way of His true disciples who always worry about adhering to right track of righteousness and pray to Him for granting calmness of heart and soul.
“The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children. But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.” [Quran, 26: 88-89]
It shows that the mankind is in constant danger of misguidance and wrongdoing which are the resultants of weakening of human spirit. Therefore, one consistently needs to keep a check on its routine to best feed its soul in the manner that would lead to success in the both worlds.
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Performing Dhikr and Praying to Allah SWT
The sole purpose of formation of human race by the Creator of the universe is to adore His Name and achieve the due level of uprightness and virtue. As the Almighty Lord says in His Sacred Scripture:
islam and soul
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Quran, 51: 56]
The Exalted One has clearly prescribed humanity the best way to attain His Mercy and Help which lies in His supreme and unparalleled devotion. It means that worshipping God is one of the paramount methods of gaining the suitable degree of one`s purification of soul.
“He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself. And mentions the name of his Lord and prays.” [Quran, 87: 14-15]
These Quranic Verses clearly declare that one has to completely get rid of all sinful impurities present in its soul and return to Allah SWT in a condition of absolute purification of spirit which can be achieved through prayers and His constant memory.
Reading the Holy Quran
The highly blessed Manuscript of Allah SWT, i.e. the Holy Quran is the Final form of revelation that He bestowed upon His Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. It contains such teachings and instructions which are great source of enlightenment for the entire world population and not just Muslims. It shows the correct way of living in every aspect of life, thus, leading to ultimate success. The Gracious God says in one the Quranic Ayats:
how to feed soul
“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward.” [Quran, 17: 9]
It means that this Consecrated Volume of Quran is the eventual guideline for humanity and the advocates of Islam to know about the equitable way of existence on earth. Its rightful interpretation and acting upon its lessons are the immense means of achieving goodness of soul and receiving countless blessings from the Almighty Lord.
Avoiding Satanic Influences
Shaitan is considered to be the biggest enemy of a Muslim. It constantly examines and tests the human heart through its misleading whispers forcing one to leave the way of righteousness and indulge in Allah`s insubordination. It tries its level best to misguide believers through showing them many of the worldly pleasures and enjoyments leading to transgression from the Islamic faith.
[Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].”[Quran, 7:16-17]
It shows that Allah SWT has given Satan enough power to influence the minds and souls of the disciples of Islam, which in fact is a great means of testing for them in this world. This is the reason why in above stated Verse, the Almighty Lord describes the evil thoughts of Shaitan who has openly challenged to give the servants of God the wrong impression about matters of life through its various tactics. Therefore, one must always keep this grave matter in mind and let the devil not pollute its heart and spirit.
Abandoning Worldly Wishes and Remembering Hereafter
The concept of existence on earth is simple and clear for all the Muslims, i.e. it is a temporary place to live in and that one has to return to the Almighty Lord on the Day of Judgment. Most of the worldly distractions lie in one`s desires to attain more and more assets, money and other such wishes. Allah SWT has described the condition of two kinds of people in the following Quranic Verses:
“ … And among the people is he who says, “Our Lord, give us in this world,” and he will have in the Hereafter no share. But among them is he who says, “Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” [Quran, 2: 200-201]
Those who ask the Exalted One about fulfilling their wants which are related to this world will only benefit from them in this world and will lead to their failure in the hereafter. On the other hand, those who only ask for that is beneficial or Halal in this world and request for success in afterlife will be triumphant in both the worlds. It means that one has to neglect and shun away from all sorts of pleasures and desires while living on earth and always keep in mind the ultimate gains of hereafter in order to maintain the purity of soul and spirit.
In short, the life on earth is full of trials and tests which one has to go through and keep its mind and spirit on the rightful track of the Religion of Peace. To be successful in this endeavor, one has to carry out the above mentioned deeds and many other such actions which would bring it closer to Allah SWT resulting in best feeding its soul.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Muslim Husband – Leader of The House

Muslim Husband – Leader of The House
In the recent past, there have been many researches on productivity and efficiency of people, mostly in the workplace, like being proactive, seeking cooperation with others, prioritizing matters, listening carefully, careful planning etc. All of these are good things to keep in mind for one`s success in all walks of life.
Talking about accomplishment in one`s affairs, marriage is a very important concern in a Muslim`s life. It is a great blessing of Allah SWT, which is a relationship of love, understanding and cooperation. But nowadays, many families are facing problems, which could be result of a husband or a wife. As, former is the leader of the house, so it demands greater sense of responsibility from him.
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There are certain things which one can adopt in its daily routine to become a highly effective Muslim husband:
Observing Stability Between Work And Religion
Work-life balance has become the hottest issue in today`s organizations. Employees are becoming more and more barren in their occupation because they face serious problems maintaining equilibrium between their private and vocational issues. If they incline towards one side more than what is required, they move towards failure in either issue. So, to avoid this discrepancy, companies have devised systems whereby they ensure that their workers are highly motivated and remain stress free in their work.
Likewise, the head of the Muslim family also has to go through such problems; some have to go on long business tours, while others are stuck in the traumas of their office job deadlines. Such matters result in serious predicaments in one`s marital life. One cannot focus on the needs of its wife and children as it should, mainly because of lack of time to look after them. For perfect remedy of this quandary, one needs to have a proper balance between its work and religion first. Islam is a complete code of life and it contains many religious practices, which in turn helps in leading productive life, like daily prayers teach how to manage one`s time, and Zakah (charity) educates lessening desire for materialistic possessions. Through time management, one could learn how to make it up to one`s family appropriately. And by having lesser wish for earning excessively, one could think about its relations more and fulfill their rights rightfully. So, one should practice its religious obligations as much as it can so that it can benefit from their effectual repercussions.
Keeping Hale And Hearty Through Exercise
Many of the family issues are a result of poor health of the leader of the house. A husband is the heart and brain of the household, who should remain fully efficient so that other affiliates of the home could be happy and satisfied, just like body functions of a man depends on the effective working of one`s soul and mind.
Health problems could easily be solved through regular exercise in the morning and in evening. It does not necessarily means to run for some time in the park. One could also take its wife and children to a nearby recreational area to freshen the mind and body from daily life hassles. This practice also helps in keeping away from carrying diseases like overweight, heart and tissue problems. As, health is wealth, and for any Muslim man, its family should be the utmost priority, so one should always try to remain at the best of its physical condition in order to give its best to family members.
Reading The Holy Quran
The Sacred Scripture of Quran contains all the necessary information for living a successful life, as it not only highlights the great importance of religious duties but also gives much insight about many social and family issues of privileges and duties. A Muslim husband has to set the perfect leading example in one`s home, so by reading and understanding Holy Quran, his children could learn from him and gain inspiration to learn Quran themselves. Moreover, he can also teach his wife about her responsibilities, and learn about his own family obligations to work effectively for their fulfillment.
Maintaining A Good Sense Of Dressing
The modern and Islamic concept of nice clothing does not go along hand in hand. The former is more inclined towards materialism and demands expensive dressing, but the latter just requires a Muslim to remain in complete state of cleanliness with respect to its body and garments no matter how much the dress is simple.
A Muslim husband also needs to act upon the very Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and keep wearing neat and tidy clothes, so that he can act as the perfect example for his kids and spouse in sanitation.
Helping In The House Work
There is a great misconception in today`s society that the female has to look after all the in-family affairs from cooking meals till taking care of kids. That is not the correct gist of Islamic ideologies, nor is the way of the Prophet Muhammad`s (PBUH) life, Who not only used to do His private tasks Himself, but also was observed greatly involved in carrying out daily household work.
Aisha (Ra) once said about Muhammad (PBUH):
“Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) used to patch his sandals, sew his garment and conduct himself at home as anyone of you does in his house. He was a human being, searching his garment for lice, milking his sheep, and doing his own chores.” (Tirmidhi)
How many men in this day and age mend their worn out dresses and shoes themselves and share the burden of their wives in house job. There is a great parable in the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for each and every one of us, Who did all the apparently looking pity things Himself and was not burdening them over others` shoulders. So, it’s clear that a Muslim husband should not feel shame in taking part in internal work of family like helping out wife in making meals, and other stuff like that so that his wife could feel comforted and cared.
So, to conclude, we can say that nobody can be ever perfect, and things are not always as pleasant in relations as one wants them to be. But, to be closer to an ideal Muslim husband, one should at least take care of its basic responsibilities like looking after his own affairs and other family members, gaining and spreading the necessary Islamic insight, actively taking part in family matters, and above all, one should act as a role model for others in every respect.


Listen to Quran
